Life style habits such as Alcohol consumption, Smoking Habits etc make huge impact for an insurance company to decide on cost of life insurance premium. It is always advisable to always make complete & honest declarations in proposal while opting for term life insurance policy. Because, Claims very often have been seen getting rejected due to incorrect declaration in proposal while going for life insurance policy.
These are general exclusions under term life insurance and may vary from insurer to insurer.
1. Misrepresentation while purchasing life insurance policy
2. Suicide. Usually Insurers now cover same but with waiting period of 12 months
3. Death while being involved in illegal activities
4. Death due to accident while driving under influence of alcohol or drugs.
5. Death while being involve in hazardous sport activities
6. Death due to Sexually transmitted ailment such as HIV, AIDS
ULIP plans are a just another variant of Endowment plans. In this product, sum assured is paid out either in case of death OR return is assured over maturity of policy term. In ULIP plan, Portion of Premium is usually invested in Stock Market or debt market. However, Insured may allocation of fund similar to mutual fund. Only difference between mutual fund & ULIP plans are that ULIP is combination of both insurance & investment whereas mutual fund is purely an investment tool.
These are riders may be opted in any category of life insurance such as term life, whole life, ULIP, money back or any other endowment plans. There are variety of Coverage/Riders offered under life insurance by insurance companies such as